Mile Walk through the gate then up on to ridge to left. 2 Hours to top of Foel Fras
Support Vehicle Drop One – Drop Off One
This drop off is to allow us to get on our First Mountain – Foel Fras – as quickly as practical.
Looking at maps of the area and taking some time to decide
Drop Off Point at “Car park” at Map Reference SH 720 715 (53.225646, -3.918358)
This will mean a minimum two hour walk to the top of Foel Fras which will be our First Mountain and therefore from here the clock will be ticking – assuming you do all of them in one day. (More Likely to do across a two or three days with the weather forcing the issue)
Route Wrong Way – Remember
Remember this is doing the route the other way round the majority finish on this mountain – we are starting – a shame as looking on the maps and using Google Street View we went past some great looking public houses (pubs). If we had finished on Foel Fras we would of popped into one for them for a celebratory drink or two!!
Apologies to the Support vehicle Driver the roads and lanes are quite narrow leading to this first drop off point 1.
The time we should be there hopefully is before 5am so unlikely to meet any vehicles coming the other way (apart from a farmer?). So head torches needed perhaps in the morning dark and twilight. On Route to the Foel Fras we will do some radio checks.
OS Map for this Drop 1 and Wlak to First Mountain – Foel Fras:
[download id=”763″]

The Drive from our Llanberis Bed & Breakfast:
Erw Fair, High Street, Llanberis, Snowdonia, North Wales LL55 4HA
Drive to Drop One could take an Hour. Looking to Leave Llanberis at 04:00 at the very latest
See image below: