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Just Giving Pages live

EPG8040Paul has setup Just Giving Pages for both his chosen charities for this WOW – Walk on Wales

CTS logo 2015 with strapline_RGB

Chance to Shine JustGiving Pages: https://www.justgiving.com/PaulGriffithsChance2Shine/
More information on Paul’s Chance to Shine Page.

You can also donate by texting from your mobile phone:

Friends, family and supporters can donate by text message straight to your fundraising page by texting PGCS62 and an amount of £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070.

Example Text PGCS62 £1 to 70070

I have bags of CHance to Shine wrist bands £2 each and all the £2 will go to Chance to Shine (Cricket Foundation)

Chance to Shine Wrist Bands - Bags of them!!
Chance to Shine Wrist Bands – Bags of them!!








Mountain Rescue and or Llanberis Mountain Rescue Logo here? (with Permission)

and Llanberis Mountain Rescue JustGiving Pages: https://www.justgiving.com/PaulGriffithsLMRT/
More information on Paul’s Llanberis Mountain Rescue Page

You can also donate by texting from your mobile phone:

Friends, family and supporters can donate by text message straight to your fundraising page by texting PGMR62 and an amount of £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070.

Example Text PGMR62 £1 to 70070



What are you doing! Please contact paul